
ComChat Android App Development

Their Challenge

A strained relationship between the public and the police can lead to poor communication, distrust, and rising crime. Jonathan Sharma witnessed the trouble that corruption brings firsthand when his father was kidnapped and held for ransom – an event that forever changed his life and drove him to find ways to help protect communities.

Sharma believes that technology can help bridge the gap between police and the public in order to reduce crime rates and bring a safer world. He wanted to create an interface that allowed ordinary citizens to anonymously alert the police, and other civilians, of criminal activity – and thus ComChat was born.

Our Solution

ComChat is a secure digital platform built to reduce crime and increase communication between the local police and members of the community. It allows users to anonymously report crimes, drop pins in specific locations, and alert law enforcement of suspicious activity. The project is an innovative, tech-based approach to fighting crime in Trinidad.

ComChat Android App Development

WhAt Benjamen Glover LLC Did:

Native Development

The application was build in Android’s native programming language, Java, and in Python.

Multi-Layer Encryption

The idea behind ComChat is to allow people to share information safely and securely, this the need for strong encryption. The three-tier encryption system ensures multiple layers of security for user information.


The user interface and user experience played a key role in the design and development of the app, as it had to be intuitive and easy for users to pick up and use during times of crime and crisis.


Users can post anonymously in order to report crimes and alert police to suspicious activity. They also have the ability to mask their voices in audio files to protect their identities.

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