LifestyleRetail / eCommerce

Save Wave App Development

Their Challenge

Couponing is a huge, messy, and disorganized industry. Over 307 billion coupons were distributed in the United States in 2016 alone, making the potential value huge to both consumers and businesses. The issue with traditional couponing is that it’s time-consuming, wastes tons of paper, and generally disorganized. Consumers get coupons from their receipts, emails, newspapers, magazines, stores, and other various places, making it hard to gather and compare them all in one place.

The creators of Save Wave recognized these issues and wanted to create a way to eliminate the outdated paper coupons and deliver a practical, convenient solution to modern-day couponers.

Our Solution

Saritasa worked with the creators of SaveWave to develop an app for consumers to access local “DigiDeals” at anytime and anywhere, without the need to cut paper coupons. At the same time as providing discounts to consumers, SaveWave allows merchants to promote their businesses to consumers, making it a win-win for both sides.

Save Wave App Development

WhAt Benjamen Glover LLC Did:

iOS Development

Our team of developers who specialize in native iOS development built the iOS version of the SaveWave app using the Swift programming language.

Android Development

The SaveWave Android app was developed for the Android platform using the native programming language, Java.


SaveWave allows users to filter coupons and search through categories to find coupons relevant to their interests.


The SaveWave app utilizes GPS technology in order to present offers and coupons based on location.

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