BusinessCloudcustom software development

How Cloud-Delivered Software Changed the Relationship Between Companies and Tech

By Nik Froehlich | September 17, 2020 |

Those old enough to remember when the Apple ][, the IBM PC, and other early “personal” computers were introduced may also remember that sales didn’t take off until someone introduced software that made them truly useful. In this case, it was a spreadsheet people could relate to and use.

That has never changed. People don’t buy computers just for the sake of having one. They buy computers to run software that helps run their businesses and drives increases in productivity and profit. It’s not about what they are, it’s about what they do, and they don’t do anything without software.

The problem for most businesses is that they had to go into the computer operations business to run their software. They had to have networks built and learn how to run them. If only they could just use the software to improve their business and not worry about anything else.

cloud computing

Cloud Changes the World

Companies flocked to “the Cloud” once everyone became confident it was safe and secure. You could run your software without having to worry about servers or storage or any of the other technology. Businesses no longer worried about the expense of having to operate everything inhouse. All they needed was an internet connection, a desktop or laptop computer, a tablet, or a smartphone for each team member and they were all set to go.

All set to go… as long as they had the software they needed to run their businesses.

Unburdened of the need to operate IT, innovative leaders began to focus on how IT could be used to create strategic business advantage and drive new profits. Many felt freed. They could look for more ways to leverage software to dramatically improve customer experiences and customer success, and they could focus on finding or creating better software.

cloud computing

Software Becomes the Path to Constant Improvement

Cloud made it so much easier to create and improve the software. Developers could access the resources they needed from the cloud instantly. New development technology and techniques made the software much more resilient and less likely to have problems.

Business people soon discovered that they didn’t need to be technology experts to get custom software. All they needed to know were the processes and procedures by which they ran their business. They soon found it was easy to describe these “workflows” to a quality software developer who would then create software to automate as much of it as possible as effectively as possible.

Suddenly software was no longer something they had to learn in order to use. It had become something that used technology and the cloud to do things their way, just much faster, more efficiently, and with fewer errors. Often, using the software also revealed new, better ways to do things that were easily incorporated. Software became something businesspeople could interact within an environment of constant improvement through constant development. Best of all, the development cost was only a fraction of the increase in revenue and profits they soon enjoyed.

A Case for Increased Productivity

Cummins is a technology company that converts energy into power. They worked by emailing spreadsheets back and forth and everyone had their own method of doing their job. While spreadsheets worked, they were inefficient. There had to be a better way.

Enter a trusted software development firm. Saritasa worked with Cummins to understand their specific business workflows, processes, and procedures. As a result, we built them a custom Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system that drastically improved productivity and gave real-time insights to management.

Software the Way You Want It

Just as software was the element that made early personal computers valuable to users, software still defines the advantages and value computers can deliver to your business. Cloud makes it possible for you to easily make valuable use of computer technology without having to operate computer technology. Software enables you to do whatever it is you need to do, in the way you prefer doing it, only dramatically faster and far more accurately.

Armed with your knowledge of your business and your processes, all you need is to find that creative, expert software developer to get you on the road to significantly increased profits. Find your development match and challenge them to help you realize your vision through software.

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